Differential expression of HNP1-3 in the 2 CMML cell populations. (A) Comparison of proteome profiles. One dispersion ellipse was drawn for each cell type. Principal components analysis represents the within- and between-group variability without loss of information. Spectra are defined by 436 peaks in the top panel and 479 peaks in the bottom panel. The distance between points depends on the similarity between biologic samples, and dispersion ellipses represent biologic samples spreading in each group. (Top panel) CD14+/CD24− and CD14−/CD24+ cells sorted from 7 CMML samples. (Bottom panel) CD14+/CD24− CMML cells (n = 12) and monocytes from healthy donors (n = 7). Each point shows average of 8 replicates. (B) Box plots of the 9 most differential peaks in CD14+/CD24− (CD14+) and CD14−/CD24+ (CD14−) cells sorted from 7 CMML samples. Intensities were log-transformed. Bars outside represent smallest and largest intensities; points outside, outliers. Numbers indicate mass over charge (m/z). Adjusted P value = .016 (*), .006 (**), .001 (***). (C) Amino acid sequence of HNP1-3 fragments whose m/z and monoisotopic mass are indicated, as identified by tandem mass spectrometry (Da indicates Daltons). (D) RQ-PCR analysis of DEFA1/3 mRNA expression: mean ± SD triplicates in monocytes from 12 healthy donors and sorted CD14+/CD24− and CD14−/CD24+ cells from 12 CMML patients (gray line indicates median).