Forodesine decreased the antiapoptotic MCL-1 protein levels and induced proapoptotic BIM protein independent of p53 status. (A) Cells from 4 representative CLL cases were treated with forodesine (2 μM) and dGuo (10-20 μM) for 16 hours, and MCL-1, BIM EL, BIM L, and BCL-2 proteins were analyzed by Western blot in total protein extracts. α-Tubulin was used as internal loading control. Cell viability was assessed by annexin V labeling as described in “Methods.” Densitometric protein quantification of MCL-1 and BIM EL protein levels with respect to control was performed. (B-C) Protein basal levels of MCL-1, BIM EL, BCL-2, and the ratio between MCL-1 and BIM EL were quantified by densitometric analysis on Western blot of total protein extracts in 35 CLL cases and plotted against the cytotoxicity of forodesine 2 μM and dGuo 20 μM at 48 hours. β-Actin was used as internal loading control. Correlation coefficient and P value are shown. (D) Primary cells from 3 representative patients with CLL were treated with forodesine (2 μM) and dGuo (20 μM) for 16 hours. Activation of BAX and BAK (conformational change) and loss of ΔΨm (DIOC6 staining) were analyzed by flow cytometry as described in “Methods.”