Hematologic analysis. (A) Peripheral blood platelet counts. Means with SDs are shown for Ts65Dn/Erg+/+/+ (▴, n = 9), Ts65Dn/Erg+/+/mld2 (▿, n = 5), Erg+/+ (●, n = 6), and Erg+/mld2 (○, n = 8). P values from unpaired 2-tailed t tests of data from 12-month-old mice: *P = .008 for comparison of data from Ts65Dn/Erg+/+/+ and Ts65Dn/Erg+/+/mld2; P = .002 for comparison of Ts65Dn/Erg+/+/+ and Erg+/+; and P = .064 for comparison of Ts65Dn/Erg+/+/mld2 and Erg+/+. (B) Megakaryocyte counts per high-power field (×200) of bone marrow and spleen histologic sections taken from 12-month-old mice. Means with standard deviations are shown. P values indicated are from unpaired 2-tailed t tests. Erg+/+ (n = 6), Erg+/mld2 (n = 8), Ts65Dn/Erg+/+/+ (n = 9), and Ts65Dn/Erg+/+/mld2 (n = 5). (C) Hematoxylin and eosin staining of representative bone marrow sections at ×400 magnification (Zeiss Axioplan-2 microscope, 40×/0.75 NA objective with AxioCam Hrc and AxioVision Version 3.1 image-acquisition software).