TRAF6-ΔT mice show resistance to DSS-induced acute colitis with an accumulation of IL-17–producing lamina propria lymphocytes. Acute colitis was induced in weight-matched TRAF6-ΔT and control 4-week-old mice by administering DSS in drinking water (2% wt/vol) for 7 days. (A) Mice survival was followed for 20 days. (B) Distal colon histology was assessed at day 7 of DSS treatment. A total of 5 DSS-treated mice/group and 2 water-treated mice/group were analyzed. (C) Lamina propria lymphocytes isolated from the large intestine of day 7 DSS-treated mice were stimulated in vitro to analyze intracellular cytokine content by flow cytometry. Representative flow cytometric plots show cells gated as Thy1.2+CD4+. (D) Serum was isolated from day 7 DSS- and water-treated TRAF6-ΔT and control mice. IL-17 levels in the sera were determined by ELISA. (C-D) Charts represent data from 2 independent experiments. *P < .05.