Effects of QITP and ITP antibodies on MPLs of injected human platelets in NOD/SCID mice. (A) Survival of injected human platelets in mice treated with QITP sera plus quinine (50 mg/kg) were compared with platelet survival in mice treated with QITP sera plus PBS buffer (control). Survival curves of human platelets in mice treated with QITP sera (n = 7) and quinine are shown individually but survival curves of human platelets in control mice treated with QITP sera alone (n = 7), are shown as mean ± SD of the group for each time point. (B) Mean survival curves of human platelets in mice treated with purified qd-IgG (70 μg) and 50 mg/kg quinine are shown in comparison with survival curves of human platelets in control mice treated with normal human IgG (70 μg) and quinine (50 mg/kg) or mice treated with purified qd-IgG (70 μg) alone. 3 mice were used in each group; data points are shown as mean ± SD. (C) Survival curves of human platelets in mice treated with ITP sera (n = 7, shown individually) were compared with the survival curves of human platelets in control mice treated with normal sera (n = 7), shown as mean ± SD of the group. P1-P7 indicates QITP patient sera; P8-P14, ITP patient sera; and Q, quinine.