Figure 4
Figure 4. Peripheral blood smears indicate thrombocytopenia, schistocytes, and reticulocytes in baboons with functional inhibition of ADAMTS13. (A) Peripheral blood smears from a representative animal from each group are shown. Blood was taken and prepared at the moments indicated above the panel. A decrease in platelet numbers as well as the gradual appearance of schistocytes (▴) and reticulocytes (■) is seen in smears from subject but not control animals. Preparation and staining were automated and according to the May-Grunwald-Giemsa protocol. Original magnification (all panels) ×400. (B) Red blood cells were counted manually and blindly in peripheral blood smears from all subject animals (n = 6).The mean percentage ± SD of schistocytes is plotted as a function of time. (A-B) Arrows indicate time points of mAb injection.

Peripheral blood smears indicate thrombocytopenia, schistocytes, and reticulocytes in baboons with functional inhibition of ADAMTS13. (A) Peripheral blood smears from a representative animal from each group are shown. Blood was taken and prepared at the moments indicated above the panel. A decrease in platelet numbers as well as the gradual appearance of schistocytes (▴) and reticulocytes (■) is seen in smears from subject but not control animals. Preparation and staining were automated and according to the May-Grunwald-Giemsa protocol. Original magnification (all panels) ×400. (B) Red blood cells were counted manually and blindly in peripheral blood smears from all subject animals (n = 6).The mean percentage ± SD of schistocytes is plotted as a function of time. (A-B) Arrows indicate time points of mAb injection.

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