Analysis of the expression of NADPH oxidase in neutrophils of human G6PC3-deficient patients. Annexin V–depleted blood neutrophils were isolated from HD (n = 5; ages 23 to 37 years) and 2 G6PC3-deficient patients, P1 and P2 as described in “Depletion of apoptotic cells from neutrophils.” Two separate experiments were conducted, each analyzed in duplicates. (A) Representative immunofluorescence analysis of gp91phox (red fluorescence) and DAPI nuclei staining (blue fluorescence) at magnifications of 630×. (B) Representative immunofluorescence analysis of p47phox (green fluorescence), pan Cadherin membrane staining (red fluorescence), and DAPI nuclei staining (blue fluorescence) at 630× magnification.