WHIM-GFP neutrophils fail to respond to tail transections or chronic inflammatory signals. (A) Sudan Black staining of tails from Control (left) or WHIM-GFP (right) larvae injected with clint-ex1 MO to induce epidermal hyperproliferation and chronic inflammation in the tail. (B) Sudan Black staining of tail transections in Control (left) or WHIM-GFP (right) larvae. (C) Confocal imaging at wounds in WHIM-GFP (top) or Control (bottom) larvae at 3 dpf immunolabeled with a rabbit antibody to MPO and a fluorescein isothiocyanate–conjugated anti–rabbit Fab fragment (left) followed by a rhodamine-red–conjugated rabbit antibody to L-plastin (middle). Overlapping signals are yellow in the overlay (right). Arrows are MPO+, L-plastin+ neutrophils; arrowheads are MPO−, L-plastin+ macrophages; white * indicates location of the wound. Control = GFP− siblings of WHIM-GFP larvae. Representative images of ≥ 20 larvae in each condition. Bars = 200 μm (A-B); 100 μm (C).