Homozygous deletions in CDKN2C/FAF1 and BIRC2/3 with expression data. (A) Expression plots for FAF1 and CDKN2C showing expression levels in samples with homozygous deletion (HD) and in samples without homozygous deletion (Other). The genomic locations of FAF1, CDKN2C, and surrounding genes are shown to scale with the region deleted in each sample indicated by solid lines below. Dotted lines indicate the region between SNPs that may or may not be deleted. Forward slashes indicate that deletions extend beyond the region shown. The downward arrow indicates the position of TaqMan primers used for gene dosage validation. (B) As in panel A, but the region shows the positions of homozygous deletions on 11q surrounding BIRC2 and BIRC3. (C) Gene dosage validation of homozygous deletions by TaqMan showing copy number identified by both array (dChip) and TaqMan (quantitative PCR). Sample numbers are shown along the x-axis with control samples.