Physical interactions between Fech with either Mfrn1 or Abcb10 proteins are confirmed in endogenous MEL cells and transfected heterologous cells. (A) IP/Western blot analysis of interactions of endogenous Fech with Mfrn1 and Abcb10 in differentiated MEL cells stably expressing empty vector, engineered Mfrn1-FLAG, or Abcb10-FLAG. (B) IP/Western blot analysis of interactions of heterologous Fech with Mfrn1 and Abcb10 from transiently cotransfected HEK293 cells with control vector, Mfrn1-FLAG, or Abcb10-FLAG. Protein input lysate is shown on the respective left columns. Fech is selectively copurified in the presence of Mfrn1 or Abcb10.