Members of the miR-17-92 (and homologous) clusters are down-regulated and increase apoptosis and decrease cell proliferation in SzS. (A) Heat map depicting levels of members of miR-17-92 and homologous clusters as measured by microarray and levels of (B) miR-92, (C) miR-106a, (D) miR-17-5p, and (E) miR-19a in SzS samples (n = 17), and controls (CD4+ T cells, CD3+ T cells, and B cells), CD4+ T cells (n = 7), CD3+ T cells (n = 6), and B-cell (n = 6) measured by qRT-PCR. P values relate to SzS versus CD4+ (Mann-Whitney independent t test). Data shown as box-whisker plots. Expression of miR-17-5p in a SeAx cell line resulted in an increase in levels of (F) apoptosis and decrease in levels of (G) cell proliferation compared with mock-transfected control. Values shown are mean values from 3 experiments.