Differentially methylated genes chosen for validation. (A) Plot of methylation difference (x-axis) vs significance (on y-axis) showing selected differentially methylated loci between patients with MCL and MCL cell lines compared with NBCs. Probe sets that were differentially methylated are marked in blue (P < .01). (B) Ingenuity pathway core analysis of the top differentially methylated loci in patients with MCL compared with NBCs identifies HDAC1 and NFKB1 as central nodes in the most significantly enriched pathway. Differentially hypomethylated loci in patients with MCL are indicated in red, and differentially hypermethylated loci are indicated in green. (C) Methylation [HELP log(HpaII/MspI) ratios] at the 8 differentially methylated loci chosen for validation represented in a heat map. Scale shows relative methylation with blue indicating hypermethylation and red indicating hypomethylation.