Gene and protein expressions are reciprocal to methylation. (A) Correlation of HELP ratios and mRNA levels in 12 731 genes represented as a quantile-normal plot. Distribution of correlation coefficients shows nonrandom skewing of tails by genes having a high correlation coefficient (R > 0.5) compared with a standard normal distribution. (B) mRNA expression levels from 10 patients with MCL and 10 cell lines plotted as a function of signal intensity. Log 2 hybridization intensity for each probe set represents the relative level of mRNA expression of a gene transcript (y-axis). Hypermethylated loci are color coded in blue, and hypomethylated loci are color coded in red. Error bars indicate SD. (C-D) Western blot for protein expression of HDAC1 and PCDH8 in 3 NBCs, 3 patients, and 3 cell lines (HBL2, MINO, Z138) along with actin as a loading control.