Flip deletion in myeloid linage results in leukocytosis. (A) Peripheral blood from Flipf/d, LysMc/+ mice (n = 56) and their littermate controls (mixed genotypes, n = 50) were examined for completely blood count, and neutrophils and monocytes are presented. ***P < .001 compared with the controls. (B) Representative blood smears from a Flipf/d, LysMc/+ mice and controls stained with Hema-3. Data are representative of smears from 3-4 mice for each group. (C) Representative flow cytometric analysis of circulating monocytes and neutrophils of Flipf/d, LysMc/+ and sex-matched littermate controls. Cells are gated by side scatter (SSC) and the expression of CD115, CD62L, and Gr1. (D) Absolute cell count of resident and inflammatory monocytes calculated from the total number of monocytes and the percentage of each subset using 5 Flipf/d, LysMc/+ and sex-matched littermate controls.