Progression-free survival. (A) Achievement of VGPR after induction therapy versus no therapy; (B) achievement of VGPR after induction versus after high-dose therapy; (C) achievement of VGPR after induction in VAD and bortezomib-dexamethasone arms versus no induction; (D) ISS stages 2 and 3, bortezomib-dexamethasone induction versus VAD; (E) poor-risk cytogenetics, bortezomib-dexamethasone induction versus VAD; (F) achievement of VGPR after induction in ISS stages 2 and 3 versus no induction; (G) achievement of VGPR after induction in poor-risk cytogenetics versus no induction. (A) P < .0001; (B) P = .01; (C) P < .0001; (D) P = .006; (E) P = .11; (F) P < .0001; (G) P = .0036.