Corneal implantation of CB1 antagonist inhibits growth factor stimulated angiogenesis in the rabbit cornea. (A) Absence of angiogenic and inflammatory activity of CB1 antagonist (1 μg and 10 μg/pellet) implanted in the corneal stroma reported as angiogenic score (number of vessels × distance from the limbus; means ± SEM) during time (days; n = 6 implants). (B) Antiangiogenic activity on bFGF-induced neovascularization (200 ng/pellet), reported as angiogenic score (mean ± SEM; n = 6) during time (days). ANOVA, **P < .01 for CB1 antag.+bFGF vs Elvax+bFGF. (Ci-iii) bFGF+Elvax (i), CB1 antag 1 μg+bFGF (ii), CB1 antag 10 μg+bFGF (iii). Stereomicroscopic examination (18× original magnification) at day 12 after implantation. Arrows indicate the newly formed vessels.