MHC I Dk is sufficient to support splenic DCs after MCMV infection. (A) Representative dot plots showing the proportion of CD11chi, MHC II+ cDCs in uninfected and infected Tg-Dk and non-Tg spleens. The dot plots were gated as described for Figure 1. (B) Representative dot plots showing the proportion of CD8α+ and CD11b+ cDC subsets in uninfected and infected Tg-Dk and non-Tg spleens. The dot plots were gated on CD3−, CD19−, CD11chi, MHC II+ cells. (C) The graph represents the mean ± SEM for live gated cDC subsets in Tg-Dk spleen. (D) The graph represents the mean ± SEM for live gated cDC subsets in non-Tg spleen. The data are representative of 4 experiments with 4 mice per strain per time point. Both CD8α+ and CD11b+ cDC subsets were significantly higher on day 3.5 in Tg-Dk than non-Tg mice (P < .001), whereas cDC subsets were comparable in uninfected animals (*P < .05, **P < .001 compared with respective subset in uninfected mice by Student t test).