Inhibition of VEGF-A induced neovascularization by siPTK7. (A) Eight days after corneal pellet insertion, total RNA was extracted from the corneas, and then expression of PTK7 mRNA was measured by real-time RT-PCR. (B) Confocal microscopic images from postoperative day 7 cornea (green: PTK7; red: Flt-1; blue: DAPI; Ep: epithelium; P: pellet; St: cornea stroma) magnification ×200 using a TCS SP2 microscope (Leica). (C) Slit lamp corneal photographs were taken 7 days later and vascularized areas were measured using image-analysis software (Image Grabbor Version 1.4; Scion Corp). The total vascularized area of PTK7 siRNA injection group was suppressed 73% compared with the control siRNA–treated group (**P < .01). (D) Corneas from both groups were exposed, stained with anti-CD31-FITC antibody, and observed under fluorescence microscopy (×100; Nikon Eclipse TE200 instrument).