Effect of miR-29a on tumor growth. NOD-SCID mice were xenografted with Karpas-299 cells transfected with miR-29a or miR-control (miR-Ctl). (A) Curves of tumor growth showing tumor volumes (in cubic millimeters) at the indicated days and (B) histograms of tumor weight (grams) averages at the end of the experiment. P for miR-29a vs control (*P < .05). (C) Representative images of immunostaining with Caspase-3 antibody for miR-Ctl and miR-29a tumors (Leica Digital Module R[DMR] microscope equipped with DFC300FX camera and 200×/0.85 NA objective lens, original magnification ×400). Image processing was performed using IM50 software from Leica. Table shows the average of Caspase-3–positive cells for all 7 mice, counted 3 times each, with SD and P value. (D) Representative Western blotting for MCL-1 in miR-Ctl and miR-29a–expressing tumors. Normalized mean value and SD of densitometry measurements are shown (n = 7).