Fibrinolysis and plasminogen activation kinetics by tPA (circles), K1K1-tPA (triangles), and delF-tPA (squares) in fibrin clots prepared using different thrombin concentrations. Thrombin concentrations used to form the clots were 5nM (A, fibrin5) and 100nM (B, fibrin100). Representative data using 0.075nM tPA are shown for plasmin generation measured by hydrolysis of S-2251 at 405 nm (positive absorbance change) and simultaneously for lysis of fibrin clots (negative absorbance change, in the absence of S-2251). Large open symbols represent the time points to 50% lysis of each clot; and the solid symbols show the time points for 100% lysis. Small symbols are included on plasminogen activation curves for identification purposes. The 3 plasminogen activation curves for the tPA variants in panel B are very close, indicating very similar activities. The arrows show the times for 50% and 100% lysis for tPA. The inset is a magnified view focusing on the initial rates of fibrinolysis in fibrin5.