Donor Langerhans cells are not required for GVHD in the C3H.SW→B6 strain pairing. B6 mice were irradiated and reconstituted with Tg+ or Tg− C3H.SW BM with or without Tg+ C3H.SW CD8+ T cells. Clinical GVHD was similar in both CD8-recipient groups as measured by percentage weight loss (A; P > .146 comparing CD8 recipients of Tg+ or Tg− BM from day 14 onward; P < .021 comparing each CD8 group to its respective BM alone control from day 22 onward), incidence of skin disease (B; P = .514 comparing CD8 recipients of Tg+ and Tg− BM; P < .004 comparing each CD8 recipient to its BM-alone control) and the number of skin ulcers (C; P = .234 comparing CD8 recipients of Tg+ and Tg− BM; P < .04 comparing each CD8 recipient to its BM-alone control). (D) Histopathology scores. P values are noted in the figure.