General overview of the transcriptional and genetic alterations in γ-irradiation-induced lymphomas. (A) Myc is a central node in the molecular interactions between up-regulated (red) or down-regulated (blue) proteins, including cell cycle regulators (Cdk or Ran pathways), protein synthesis molecules (Rpl and Rps proteins), and other signaling cascades. (See also supplemental Data for further details.) (B) Transcriptional profiling of miRNAs in normal thymuses (H1, H2, M1, and M3) or T-cell lymphomas. Unsupervised clustering of these data clearly discriminates normal thymuses vs tumor samples. Only significantly deregulated miRNA genes are shown. Blue shadows in miRNA names indicate the presence of a CpG island upstream of the corresponding human or mouse miRNA genes. Green shadows indicate that the CpG island is only present in the mouse sequence. (C) Summary from the comparative genome hybridization analysis of γ-irradiation-induced T-cell lymphomas showing the chromosomal position of down-regulated miRNA genes. Major DNA losses (green bars) and gains (red bars) are indicated to the right of the corresponding chromosomes. The location of Myc in chromosome 15 is also indicated.