Crebbp+/− microenvironment fails to support HSCs in vivo. (A) Average frequency ± SEM of LT-HSCs and ST-HSCs in BM of wild-type (Wt) and Crebbp+/− recipients (n ≥ 12; *P = .000 01). (B) Average numbers ± SEM of LT-HSCs and ST-HSCs per 2 femurs (n ≥ 12; LT-HSCs, *P = .000002; ST-HSCs, *P = .024). (C) Experimental design of serial transplantation experiments. (D) Percentage of donor-derived PB leukocytes in secondary Wt recipients transplanted with 50 purified LT-HSCs isolated from the BM of primary Wt (gray circles) and Crebbp+/− recipients (○). Each circle represents an individual secondary recipient. The horizontal bars indicate the average values. Wt HSCs previously exposed to a Crebbp+/− microenvironment reconstituted significantly less (*P < .05) compared with HSCs that had been previously exposed to a Wt microenvironment.