Figure 2
Figure 2. Phenotypic analysis. Phenotypic analysis of Ab treatment on Ramos cells (A) and primary CLL cells (B). Ramos cells were incubated with mAb 37.1 or rituximab at a concentration of 30 μg/mL in Image Lock microplates (Essen Instruments) at 37°C in cell culture medium and photomicrographs were recorded as JPEG files at the indicated time points using an automated live-cell imaging system (IncuCyte, Essen Instruments) equipped with a 20× phase-contrast objective. Blood samples from CLL patients were incubated with mAb 37.1 and rituximab for 1 hour and blood smears were analyzed after routine staining (Giemsa). Pictures were taken at room temperature using a Zeiss Axioskop microscope equipped with a 50× Neofluar objective and recorded by a Zeiss AxioCam MR5c without image processing.

Phenotypic analysis. Phenotypic analysis of Ab treatment on Ramos cells (A) and primary CLL cells (B). Ramos cells were incubated with mAb 37.1 or rituximab at a concentration of 30 μg/mL in Image Lock microplates (Essen Instruments) at 37°C in cell culture medium and photomicrographs were recorded as JPEG files at the indicated time points using an automated live-cell imaging system (IncuCyte, Essen Instruments) equipped with a 20× phase-contrast objective. Blood samples from CLL patients were incubated with mAb 37.1 and rituximab for 1 hour and blood smears were analyzed after routine staining (Giemsa). Pictures were taken at room temperature using a Zeiss Axioskop microscope equipped with a 50× Neofluar objective and recorded by a Zeiss AxioCam MR5c without image processing.

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