Trafficking of CCR5 molecules internalized on chemokine or LTA treatment. Immunofluorescence analysis of CCR5 internalization and colocalization with endocytic molecules: monocytes preincubated on ice with MC-5 to label cell-surface CCR5 molecules were left in medium alone or treated with 100nM CCL5 or 10 μg/mL LTA for the indicated time to allow endocytosis. Fixed and permeabilized cells were costained for CCR5 (red), nucleus (blue), and endosomal markers [(A; green); early endosomes: EEA-1; early/recycling endosomes: TfR; late endosome/lysosomes: LAMP1], or the GPCR-specific adaptors for internalization β-arrestins (B; green). Single confocal sections are shown (scale bar = 5 μm).