CCL3 plasma levels in CLL: distribution and sequential samples, and CCL3 immunohistochemistry. (A) The distribution of the plasma levels of CCL3 among 351 patients with CLL. (B) Sequential plasma levels of CCL3 detected in serial samples of CLL patients. The lines connect the symbols of individual patients representing the CCL3 concentrations (y-axis) in any one patient over time (x-axis). (C) Conventional (left) and immunofluorescence (right) immunodetection of CCL3 in CLL lymph node sections in a representative case (original magnification ×400). Images were captured with the use of an Olympus BX50 microscope and a ColorView digital camera, and processed with cellSens imaging software (all Olympus). CCL3+ cells (brown stain on the left side) tended to accumulate in areas of proliferation centers (left). Immunofluorescence double staining with CD79a (red) and CCL3 (green) revealed colocalization of CD79a+ and CCL3+ CLL cells, as indicated by the arrows. (Inset) Coexpression of CCL3 and CD79a in another case. More immunohistochemistry data are available in supplemental Figure 2.