Figure 3
Figure 3. Precursor B cells in CVID bone marrow. Altered B-cell precursor composition in BM biopsies of CVID patients grouped according to the Freiburg classification.14 (A) Two examples showing the flow cytometric analysis of bone marrow samples from CVID patients with normal (left panels) and disturbed (right panels) B-cell precursor development. CD19+ events were gated using CD3/CD16/CD33 as exclusion markers. B-I indicates pre-B-I; B-II, pre-B-II; and B-Im + B-Ma, immature plus mature B-cell populations. (B) B-cell precursors were phenotypically differentiated into pro-B, pre-B-I, pre-B-II, and immature B cells by flow cytometry as described in “Phenotyping of peripheral blood lymphocytes and of precursor B cells in BM aspirates.” Presented are B-cell precursor analyses of BM aspirates from controls (Co, ○, n = 13) and of CVID patients grouped according to the Freiburg classification Ia (●, n = 12), Ib (▴, n = 12), or II (□, n = 1). Lines indicate median values; statistical differences between controls and patient groups were tested by the Wilcoxon test. ns indicates not significant. (C) The percentage of pre-B-I precursors in bone marrow samples of CVID patients is plotted against the absolute peripheral B-cell counts. Symbols represent CVID subgroups as depicted in panel B. For the whole CVID group, the Spearman rank order correlation test yielded a statistically significant (P < .001) correlation coefficient of −0.67. For a separate analysis of group Ib, the correlation coefficient was 0.78 (P = .004), whereas for the group Ia the correlation did not reach statistical significance.

Precursor B cells in CVID bone marrow. Altered B-cell precursor composition in BM biopsies of CVID patients grouped according to the Freiburg classification.14  (A) Two examples showing the flow cytometric analysis of bone marrow samples from CVID patients with normal (left panels) and disturbed (right panels) B-cell precursor development. CD19+ events were gated using CD3/CD16/CD33 as exclusion markers. B-I indicates pre-B-I; B-II, pre-B-II; and B-Im + B-Ma, immature plus mature B-cell populations. (B) B-cell precursors were phenotypically differentiated into pro-B, pre-B-I, pre-B-II, and immature B cells by flow cytometry as described in “Phenotyping of peripheral blood lymphocytes and of precursor B cells in BM aspirates.” Presented are B-cell precursor analyses of BM aspirates from controls (Co, ○, n = 13) and of CVID patients grouped according to the Freiburg classification Ia (●, n = 12), Ib (▴, n = 12), or II (□, n = 1). Lines indicate median values; statistical differences between controls and patient groups were tested by the Wilcoxon test. ns indicates not significant. (C) The percentage of pre-B-I precursors in bone marrow samples of CVID patients is plotted against the absolute peripheral B-cell counts. Symbols represent CVID subgroups as depicted in panel B. For the whole CVID group, the Spearman rank order correlation test yielded a statistically significant (P < .001) correlation coefficient of −0.67. For a separate analysis of group Ib, the correlation coefficient was 0.78 (P = .004), whereas for the group Ia the correlation did not reach statistical significance.

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