Figure 2
Figure 2. Relationship between SF3B1 mutant allele burden and proportion of ring sideroblasts. Values for percentage of ring sideroblasts are grouped here in 3 arbitrary categories: < 15% (n = 183), 15% to 50% (n = 85), and > 50% (n = 57). Data are shown in a box plot depicting the smallest and largest observation (lowest and highest horizontal line, respectively), lower and upper quartile with median value (box), and outliers (dots).

Relationship between SF3B1 mutant allele burden and proportion of ring sideroblasts. Values for percentage of ring sideroblasts are grouped here in 3 arbitrary categories: < 15% (n = 183), 15% to 50% (n = 85), and > 50% (n = 57). Data are shown in a box plot depicting the smallest and largest observation (lowest and highest horizontal line, respectively), lower and upper quartile with median value (box), and outliers (dots).

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