Figure 3
Figure 3. Association of ZBP-89 chromatin occupancy with activating gene features. (A) DNA sequence motif preference at ZBP-89 bound sites across the entire ENCODE array using cis-regulatory element annotation system algorithm.20 (B) Pie chart showing the relative location of ZBP-89 occupancy peaks relative to annotated gene structures. (C) Venn diagram showing overlap of genes containing ZBP-89 occupancy peaks and those with enrichment for 3meH3K4 and/or 3meH3K27 between −2 kb upstream to 2 kb downstream of the TSS. (D) Venn diagram showing overlap of ZBP-89 occupied genes, RNA Pol II-occupied genes, and genes enriched for AcH3. (E) Plot showing percentage frequency of ZBP-89, RNA Pol II, AcH3, 3meH3K4, and 3meH3K27 enrichment peaks relative to distance from the TSS. (F) Plots of normalized cDNA gene expression microarray probe intensity signals29 (NCBI GEO accession no. GSE22552) corresponding to the 84 ZBP-89 bound genes (represented by 219 probes; red) compared with the mean of 10 sets of randomly selected 219 probe sets (blue). Data for each of the represented equivalent erythroid maturational stages (CFU-E), proerythroblast (Pro-E), intermediate erythroblast (Int-E), and late erythroblast (Late-E) are shown. All probe sets to the left of the vertical arrows have intensities ≥ 1.5-fold greater than the random control probe sets of equivalent rank order.

Association of ZBP-89 chromatin occupancy with activating gene features. (A) DNA sequence motif preference at ZBP-89 bound sites across the entire ENCODE array using cis-regulatory element annotation system algorithm.20  (B) Pie chart showing the relative location of ZBP-89 occupancy peaks relative to annotated gene structures. (C) Venn diagram showing overlap of genes containing ZBP-89 occupancy peaks and those with enrichment for 3meH3K4 and/or 3meH3K27 between −2 kb upstream to 2 kb downstream of the TSS. (D) Venn diagram showing overlap of ZBP-89 occupied genes, RNA Pol II-occupied genes, and genes enriched for AcH3. (E) Plot showing percentage frequency of ZBP-89, RNA Pol II, AcH3, 3meH3K4, and 3meH3K27 enrichment peaks relative to distance from the TSS. (F) Plots of normalized cDNA gene expression microarray probe intensity signals29  (NCBI GEO accession no. GSE22552) corresponding to the 84 ZBP-89 bound genes (represented by 219 probes; red) compared with the mean of 10 sets of randomly selected 219 probe sets (blue). Data for each of the represented equivalent erythroid maturational stages (CFU-E), proerythroblast (Pro-E), intermediate erythroblast (Int-E), and late erythroblast (Late-E) are shown. All probe sets to the left of the vertical arrows have intensities ≥ 1.5-fold greater than the random control probe sets of equivalent rank order.

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