EFS for patients with ALL according to ATF5, ASNS, and ASS1 genotypes. (A) EFS according to genotypes of ATF5 C1562T polymorphism. EFS curves are shown for patients who were carriers (T+; dark gray) or not (Tâ; light gray) of the T1562 allele. EFS curves are presented for HSJ patients (test set) on the 91-01 protocol (HSJ/91-01, left panel), HSJ patients on 95-01 protocol (HSJ/95-01) randomized to E coli or Erwinia asparaginase (2 plots of the middle panel), and for all HSJ and DFCI patients (validation set) who were assigned to E coli asparaginase (2 plots on the right panel, HSJ/E coli and DFCI/E coli, respectively). The number of all patients in each curve (with the number of cases with an event in brackets) is indicated next to the curve. The EFS difference between patients with and without the T1562 allele is estimated by the log-rank test and the P value is indicated on each plot. Risk of an event for T allele carriers, expressed as a univariable HR with the 95% CI in brackets, is indicated below each plot. (B) EFS curves according to ASNS genotypes. EFS for all HSJ patients (left plot) and those assigned to E coli asparaginase (middle plot), with (+; dark gray line) and without (-; light gray line) ASNS haplotype *1. Haplotype *1 is defined in Figure 1B. EFS for HSJ patients (right plot) assigned to E coli asparaginase who are homozygous (22+; dark gray line) or not (22-; light gray line) for the 2R allele of the ASNS tandem repeat. The number of patients within each curve, the number of cases with an event, the P value, and the genotype-associated risk of an event is labeled as in panel A. (C) EFS curves according to genotypes of ASS1 G1343T and G34T polymorphisms. Left plot is EFS for HSJ patients assigned to E coli asparaginase who are carriers (T+; dark gray line) or not (T-; light gray line) of the ASS1 T1343 allele and the right plot is EFS for HSJ patients assigned to E coli asparaginase who are carriers (TT+, dark gray line) or not (TT-, light gray line) of the ASS1 TT34 genotype. The number of cases within the curve, the number of patients with an event, the P value, and the genotype-associated risk of an event is labeled as in panel A.