The expression profile for Irgm1−/− HSCs shows enrichment of cell proliferation and immune-related GO categories; IFNγ levels are increased. (A) Genes that were differentially expressed in Irgm1−/− HSCs were subjected to an analysis of GO category enrichment by use of the FatiGO webtool (Babelomics 4.2). This tool compared genes differentially regulated in KO HSCs (black bars) against all other genes (unchanged genes: gray bars); these lists were analyzed for assortment into GO categories. Genes from cell-cycle/M-phase and immune categories were overrepresented in the list of differentially expressed genes. Only GO categories that showed a significant difference (P < .05) between the list of genes differentially expressed and those that were not changed in KO HSCs are shown. (B) IFNγ levels in serum from WT and Irgm1-deficient mice were quantified by ELISA. n = 10. Box and whiskers plot represents the 25th-75th percentile and 95% confidence intervals. **P < .01.