Irgm1-deficient HSCs exhibit excessive IFN-induced autophagy. (A) LC3-GFP HSCs (CD150+ SPKLS) were isolated and treated with IFNγ in vitro. Representative examples as well as proportions of cells with aggregation are shown for all experiments, each repeated 2 or 3 times with at least 40 cells visualized per cohort. (B) HSCs (CD150+ SPKLS) were isolated from WT, Irgm1−/−, Irgm1−/−Ifngr1−/−, and Irgm1−/−Stat1−/− mice and analyzed for LC3 aggregation by immunofluorescence. Data are representative of 2 independent experiments. *Indicates that the proportions are statistically different with 95% confidence according to a 2-sample test of proportions with P < .05.