Novel mRNA targets for IRP1 and IRP2. (A) Number of mRNAs positively detected as enriched in IRP1, IRP2, or both IPs by microarrays with MAS5, RMA, or a combined (MAS5 + RMA) mathematical data analysis. (B) Virtual heatmap representing the 44 identified mRNAs that are bound by both IRPs in at least one of the 5 studied tissues. Affymetrix-positive probes were grouped by gene and reported in each of the rows. Known IRE-containing mRNAs are shown in green. Red and black squares indicate positive or lacking IP enrichment, respectively, relative to mock IPs in 2 independent biologic replicas. Predicted IREs by SIREs program in mouse (Mus musculus, Mm.) or human (Homo sapiens, Hs.) databases/species and their positions also are indicated. N.d. denotes that an IRE motif was not detected using the SIREs bioinformatic program; n.a. denotes nonavailable information; and 3′ or 5′ denotes the 3′ or 5′UTR.