CLL classic molecular and telomeric features. (A) BCL2, MKI67, and CDKN2A (respectively coding for Bcl2, Ki67, and p16) normalized gene expression level, quantified in purified B cells from 6 healthy donors and 20 stage A CLL patients. Wilcoxon test P values are indicated in each corresponding box plot. (B) Telomeric size was analyzed by Teloblotting on B lymphocytes purified from 12 healthy donors and 20 CLL patients. Box plot showing telomere size, with corresponding Wilcoxon test calculated P values in healthy (Co) versus CLL (CLL) B cells (left) and in mutated (M) versus unmutated (UM) CLL B cells (right). A representative picture of telomeric restriction fragment analysis of one normal B cells (Co), 5 CLL mutated patients (CL M), and 5 CLL unmutated patients (CLL UM) is shown (right). Telomere size (in kb) was calculated thanks to specific ladder, size is indicated on each side of the Teloblot.