WASp in DCs is required for polarization of SMAC components in T cells. (A) Confocal analysis of DC-T-cell clusters between BMDCs from the indicated mouse strain or nonconjugated T cells (bottom panel), stained for TCR, LFA-1, f-actin, talin, and phospho-tyrosine. Fluorescence intensity is expressed as pseudocolor, arrows indicate high-intensity accumulation of marker expression and scale bars represent 5 μm. (B) Quantification of data shown in panel A, data are shown as the ratio of the mean fluorescence intensity of the interface area divided by the fluorescence of the peripheral plasma membrane, data are from 2-12 experiments and shown as averages ± SEM, C57BL/6 n = 24-88 cells, WAS KO n = 22-76 cells and Y293F WASp n = 25-71 cells, P values are indicated (1-way ANOVA).