Distinct gene expression profiles in Erg+/Mld2 and Mpl−/− LSK cells. (A) Heat map of differentially expressed genes in the LSK compartments of Erg+/Mld2 and Mpl−/− mice (false discovery rate value set at 0.2). Genes that were up-regulated compared with the wild-type are shown in red; genes that were down-regulated compared with the wild-type are shown in blue. (B) Venn diagram of concordantly differentially expressed genes from LSK cells of each mutant, showing direction of differential expression. Numbers of up-regulated probes shown in red, and down-regulated probes in blue. Only 2 deregulated genes were shared by Erg+/Mld2 and Mpl−/− LSK cells, Fgd5 and Robo4.41,42