Figure 4
Figure 4. SHP2 regulates CEBPA promoter histone H3 acetylation. Chromatin immunoprecipitation was conducted using an antiserum that recognizes acetylated H3 histone or rabbit Ig control, using 32Dcl3-Puro, 32Dcl3(shRNA-77)-10+Neo, or 32Dcl3(shRNA-77)-10+SHP2 cells proliferating in IL-3 (left) or after transfer to G-CSF for one day (right). Shown are mean and SE for relative binding to the CEBPA or β-actin promoters, normalized to signals obtained using input samples, from 3 determinations. * indicates P < .05 comparing Puro with 77-10+Neo cells; # indicates P < .05 comparing 77-10+Neo with 77-10+SHP2 cells.

SHP2 regulates CEBPA promoter histone H3 acetylation. Chromatin immunoprecipitation was conducted using an antiserum that recognizes acetylated H3 histone or rabbit Ig control, using 32Dcl3-Puro, 32Dcl3(shRNA-77)-10+Neo, or 32Dcl3(shRNA-77)-10+SHP2 cells proliferating in IL-3 (left) or after transfer to G-CSF for one day (right). Shown are mean and SE for relative binding to the CEBPA or β-actin promoters, normalized to signals obtained using input samples, from 3 determinations. * indicates P < .05 comparing Puro with 77-10+Neo cells; # indicates P < .05 comparing 77-10+Neo with 77-10+SHP2 cells.

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