Mature granulocytes are reduced in bone marrow and peripheral blood after Gabpa deletion. Flow cytometry for B220 and CD11b, forward scatter (FSC) and side scatter (SSC) of bone marrow cells (A; circles indicate cells with a high degree of SSC) and CD11b and Gr1 in bone marrow cells of control and KO mice (B); numbers indicate percentage of cells in individual quadrants or boxes. (C) Wright-Giemsa stained cytospin preparations of the following sorted bone marrow cell populations: control CD11bhi Gr1lo cells (open arrows indicate immature granulocytes, and thin arrows indicate monocytic cells), control CD11bhi Gr1hi cells, and KO CD11bint Gr1lo cells, in left, center, and right panels, respectively. Images shown at ×400 original magnification. All findings include data from at least 3 independent biologic specimens.