Figure 3
Figure 3. Exposure to Rantes causes myeloid skewing. (A) The graph shows the proportions of lineages (Myeloid, B cells, and T cells) of the GFP+ donor-derived WBCs transduced with MSCV-GFP or MSCV-Rantes-IRES-GFP analyzed 12 weeks after transplantation (n = 10 MSCV, n = 10 Rantes). Overall engraftment of transduced cells is also indicated (“Engraft”). (B) Quantitative real-time PCR analysis of the indicated genes in progenitors (LSGFP+ cells) from MSCV-GFP or Rantes-GFP transduced progenitors after 48 hours in vitro (n = 3 MSCV, n = 3 Rantes). (C) PB analyses of mice transplanted with HSCs that are treated or untreated with Rantes ex vivo before competitive transplantation. Donor contribution to myeloid and lymphoid lineages is presented as the percentage of donor-derived myeloid, B, and T cells 16 weeks posttransplantation. (D) BM frequencies of donor-derived myeloid progenitors in BM from mice transplanted with Rantes- or untreated HSCs (SPKLS) in a competitive transplantation: CMPs, GMPs, MEPs. Analysis of HSC-derived progeny in recipients 5 months posttransplantation (n = 7 Untreated, n = 7 Rantes). (E) BM frequencies of donor-derived CLPs from Rantes- or untreated HSC as in panel D. (F) BM frequencies of donor-derived stem and progenitor populations: KLS, MPP (KLS Flk2+), SPKLS, SPKLS-CD150+ after transplantation of Rantes- or untreated HSC as in panel D. CMP: Lin−, IL7rα−, Sca-1−, c-Kit+, FcγRloCD34+; GMP: Lin−, IL7rα−, Sca-1−, c-Kit+, FcγR+CD34+; MEP: Lin−, IL7rα−, Sca-1−, c-Kit+, FcγR−CD34−; and CLP: Lin−, IL7rα+, Sca-1lo, c-Kitlo, Flt3+ (n = 7 Untreated, n = 7 Rantes). Error bars represent SEM. Representative of 2 experiments

Exposure to Rantes causes myeloid skewing. (A) The graph shows the proportions of lineages (Myeloid, B cells, and T cells) of the GFP+ donor-derived WBCs transduced with MSCV-GFP or MSCV-Rantes-IRES-GFP analyzed 12 weeks after transplantation (n = 10 MSCV, n = 10 Rantes). Overall engraftment of transduced cells is also indicated (“Engraft”). (B) Quantitative real-time PCR analysis of the indicated genes in progenitors (LSGFP+ cells) from MSCV-GFP or Rantes-GFP transduced progenitors after 48 hours in vitro (n = 3 MSCV, n = 3 Rantes). (C) PB analyses of mice transplanted with HSCs that are treated or untreated with Rantes ex vivo before competitive transplantation. Donor contribution to myeloid and lymphoid lineages is presented as the percentage of donor-derived myeloid, B, and T cells 16 weeks posttransplantation. (D) BM frequencies of donor-derived myeloid progenitors in BM from mice transplanted with Rantes- or untreated HSCs (SPKLS) in a competitive transplantation: CMPs, GMPs, MEPs. Analysis of HSC-derived progeny in recipients 5 months posttransplantation (n = 7 Untreated, n = 7 Rantes). (E) BM frequencies of donor-derived CLPs from Rantes- or untreated HSC as in panel D. (F) BM frequencies of donor-derived stem and progenitor populations: KLS, MPP (KLS Flk2+), SPKLS, SPKLS-CD150+ after transplantation of Rantes- or untreated HSC as in panel D. CMP: Lin, IL7rα, Sca-1, c-Kit+, FcγRloCD34+; GMP: Lin, IL7rα, Sca-1, c-Kit+, FcγR+CD34+; MEP: Lin, IL7rα, Sca-1, c-Kit+, FcγRCD34; and CLP: Lin, IL7rα+, Sca-1lo, c-Kitlo, Flt3+ (n = 7 Untreated, n = 7 Rantes). Error bars represent SEM. Representative of 2 experiments

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