Expression of several genes coding for membrane proteins was selectively reduced in V205GR erythrocytes. (A) Expression of erythroid-related genes in V205GR-A TER119+ cells. Amplification cycles are shown in the right side of the figure. Note that the expressions of Spna1, Slc4a1, and Aqp1 genes were specifically reduced in V205GR-A. (B) Expression of Spna1, Slc4a1, and Aqp1 was analyzed by quantitative RT-PCR in erythroblasts TER119+ derived from E18.5 livers of V205GR-A (I), P2 spleens of V205GR-A (II), P3 spleens of V205GR-A (III), and P0 spleens of V205GR-B (IV). The values were represented as a mean of 3 independent age-matched and genotype-matched samples. The mean value of the transcripts in corresponding WT pups was set to one. (*P < .05, **P < .01)