BCR-ABL1 SH3 domain interacts with RAD51 PPs. (A) GST fusion proteins containing the ABL1 SH3 + SH2, SH2, SH3, and SH3(P1013L) fragments were used for the pull-down assay along with cell lysates from BCR-ABL1–32Dcl3 cells expressing the Flag-RAD51 WT protein. RAD51 was detected by Western analysis (top boxes), and GST proteins were visualized by Ponceau red staining (bottom boxes). (B) Positions of tyrosine residues (Y) and PP in the RAD51 are marked. (C) Cell lysates from 293 cells expressing Flag-RAD51 WT and indicated mutants were used for the pull-down assay with GST and GST-ABL1 SH3 (GST-SH3) fusion protein. Flag-RAD51 was detected by Western analysis with the use of anti-Flag antibody (top box), and GST proteins were visualized by Ponceau red staining (bottom box). (D) GST-RAD51-C fragment containing amino acids 243 to 339 (WT) and the indicated mutants were used for pull-down with cell lysates from BCR-ABL1–32Dcl3 cells. BCR-ABL1 was detected by Western analysis with the use of anti-ABL1 antibody (top box), and GST proteins were visualized by Ponceau red staining (bottom boxes).