Figure 4
Figure 4. IKKα inactivation-mediated B-cell defect is an early event. (A) Flow cytometric analysis of B-cell and progenitor profiles in the FL of embryonic day 13.5 WT and KA/KA mouse embryos. (B) Analyses of BM and splenic B-cell profiles of irradiated Rag−/− mice (Recipients) receiving WT and KA/KA FL (embryonic day 13.5) cells using flow cytometry with B220+CD43+, B220+BP-1+, and IgD+IgM+ markers. (C) Histopathology of H&E-stained spleens from Ikkα+/f/VavCre/ROSA26 and Ikkαf/f/VavCre/ROSA26 mice. Scale bar indicates 50 μm. (D) Analyses of the BM and splenic (Sple) B-cell profiles of Ikkα+/f/VavCre/ROSA26 and Ikkαf/f/VavCre/ROSA26 mice using flow cytometry with B220+, B220+CD43+, B220+CD19+, and CD11b+ markers.

IKKα inactivation-mediated B-cell defect is an early event. (A) Flow cytometric analysis of B-cell and progenitor profiles in the FL of embryonic day 13.5 WT and KA/KA mouse embryos. (B) Analyses of BM and splenic B-cell profiles of irradiated Rag−/− mice (Recipients) receiving WT and KA/KA FL (embryonic day 13.5) cells using flow cytometry with B220+CD43+, B220+BP-1+, and IgD+IgM+ markers. (C) Histopathology of H&E-stained spleens from Ikkα+/f/VavCre/ROSA26 and Ikkαf/f/VavCre/ROSA26 mice. Scale bar indicates 50 μm. (D) Analyses of the BM and splenic (Sple) B-cell profiles of Ikkα+/f/VavCre/ROSA26 and Ikkαf/f/VavCre/ROSA26 mice using flow cytometry with B220+, B220+CD43+, B220+CD19+, and CD11b+ markers.

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