CD8+ Tregs represent a large fraction of iTregs that are generated in the recipient during GVHD. (A) GFP+ Tregs (CD4+ and CD8+) were sorted from CD45.1+ FoxP3.GFP mice (H-2b) and mixed with GFP− Tconvs (CD4+ and CD8+) sorted from CD45.2+ FoxP3.GFP mice (H-2b). The T cells were combined with RAG−/− splenocytes (H-2b) and T cell–depleted BM (H-2b) and injected into irradiated CD45.1/CD45.2 heterozygous B6D2F1 mice (H-2bxd). (A) Representative plot examining CD45.1 positivity of donor-derived GFP+ Tregs (host cells are also gated out by CD45.1/CD45.2 double positivity) is shown for CD4+ (top panels) and CD8+ (bottom panels) Tregs in the spleen on day 8 after transplantation. (B) The percentage of CD4+ and CD8+ Tregs derived from Tconvs (CD45.1−) was determined in the spleen and inguinal and mesenteric LNs of mice (n = 3) on day 8 after transplantation. Results are expressed as mean ± SEM. (C) Irradiated CD45.2+ B6D2F1 (H-2bxd) mice were injected with splenocytes and T cell–depleted BM from CD45.1+ FoxP3.GFP (H-2b) mice. On day 8 after transplantation, CD45.1+ CD4+ T cells (right plot) and CD8+ T cells (left plot) were analyzed for expression of Helios. (D) GFP− Tconvs (CD4+ and CD8+) were sorted from CD45.1+ FoxP3.GFP (H-2b) mice, combined with RAG−/− splenocytes (H-2b) and T cell–depleted BM (H-2b), and injected into irradiated B6D2F1 mice (H-2bxd). A representative plot examining donor T cells (CD45.1+) is shown for CD8+ (left plot) and CD4+ (middle plot) T cells in the spleen on day 8 after transplantation. The right plot was gated on all GFP+ cells and shows the relative contribution of CD8+ and CD4+ Tregs to the iTreg pool. One representative of 3 independent experiments is shown. (E) CD45.1+ GFP− CD4+ and CD8+ Tconvs were sorted from FoxP3.GFP (CD45.1+):WT and Scurfy (CD45.1+):WT mixed BM chimeras. 0.6 × 106 CD4+ Tconvs (WT GFP− or Scurfy) were mixed with 0.4 × 106 CD8+ Tconvs (WT GFP− or Scurfy) and used as effectors for GVHD induction in irradiated B6D2F1 mice. Survival was monitored over an 8-week period. Two independent experiments were combined with a total of n = 9 or 10 mice/group to generate the survival curve. *P < .05 by log-rank test.