Figure 6
Figure 6. BMP9 and BMP10 regulated genes in endothelial cells. mRNA fold changes in Dll4, Jag1, Hey1, Hey 2, Hes1, and apelin mRNA levels in hPAEcs stimulated with 0.5 ng/mL BMP9 or BMP10 at different time points (1, 2, 4, and 6 hours). Expression of HPRT was used as the normalization control. Data pooled from 3 individual experiments, each containing 2 replicates. Error bars show SEM.

BMP9 and BMP10 regulated genes in endothelial cells. mRNA fold changes in Dll4, Jag1, Hey1, Hey 2, Hes1, and apelin mRNA levels in hPAEcs stimulated with 0.5 ng/mL BMP9 or BMP10 at different time points (1, 2, 4, and 6 hours). Expression of HPRT was used as the normalization control. Data pooled from 3 individual experiments, each containing 2 replicates. Error bars show SEM.

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