Logistic regression analysis of molecular features and age. (A) Logistic regression analyses of ABC/GCB gene expression groups, immunohistochemical BCL2 expression, IRF4 translocations, 1q21 gains, changes in 3q27 (including gains and translocations of BCL6), 18q21 gains, 7p22 gains, and 7q21 gains. Patients with the respective feature are plotted in red scattered around the horizontal at 1. Patients lacking the respective feature are given in green at the bottom scattered around 0. The dashed line indicates the overall frequency of the feature irrespective of age. The blue logistic regression curve represents the estimated conditional probability of having the feature at a given age at diagnosis. (B) Scatter plot of age at diagnosis (in years) versus genetic complexity calculated as the sum of all detected genomic aberrations per lymphoma sample taking into account: t(14;18) IGH/BCL2 fusion, BCL6 translocation, MYC translocation, and all copy number aberrations listed in supplemental Table 2. The line indicates the Poisson regression curve representing the estimated average number of abnormalities as a function of age at diagnosis.