HO-1 ablation exacerbates impaired APC development in Bach1−/− mice. (A) RNA from WT and Bach1−/− BMMs were harvested and reverse transcribed, and cDNA was subjected for microarray analyses. Genes highlighted in red or green represent those up- or down-regulated, respectively, in Bach1−/− BMMs. See also supplemental Figure 3. (B) Quantitative PCR analyses to verify Bach1 target genes identified in the microarrays. WT and Bach1−/− BMMs were harvested for gene analyses. Relative transcript levels were normalized to the house keeping gene Rpl19. (C) Bach1 regulates HO-1 in BM cells. Transcript level of HO-1 was assessed from samples harvested from WT and Bach1−/− BMCs from 3 separate animals. (D-E) BM cells were isolated from mice of the indicated genotype and subjected to flow cytometric analyses to measure the percentage of (D) macrophages and (E) DCs. Each dot represents an individual animal. Red graph contains 3 HO-1+/+Bach1−/− and 5 HO-1+/−Bach1−/− mice. Blue represents 3 HO-1+/−Bach1−/− mice. All graphs are plotted with SEM. The horizontal bars on each graph represents the average percentage.