BCL2 prevents transformation of MDS to AML in NHD13 mice. (A) Kaplan-Meier AML-free survival of WT (n = 20), NHD13 (n = 34), BCL2 (n = 23), and NHD13/BCL2 (n = 29) mice. Mice that died from causes other than AML were censored at time of death. Note that WT, BCL2, and NHD13/BCL2 lines are overlaid (indicated by A). (B) Q-RT-PCR analysis of HoxA9, HoxB7, HoxC6, and Pbx3 expression in LK cells of each indicated genotype (n = 3 of each genotype). (C) T-ALL–free survival in the same cohorts of mice. Mice that died from causes other than T-ALL were censored at time of death. Note that the WT and BCL2 lines are overlaid (indicated by A). (D) Overall survival of the same cohorts of mice. P values indicate difference from the survival of NHD13 mice. (*P < .05; **P < .01; ***P < .001).