NAC injections extend the lifespan of STAT3−/− mice and lessen the severity of erythroid dysplasia phenotype. (A) Influence of NAC injections (1.5 mg per mouse 2 times/wk beginning 4 weeks after birth) on lifespan (in days) of STAT3−/− mice. (B) Results of manual lymphoid and myeloid blood cell counts on STAT3−/− blood smears taken 40 days after birth with and without NAC injections as in Figure 4C. My indicates myeloid cell counts (%); Ly, lymphoid cell counts (200 white cells were counted per smear stained with Wright-Giemsa). (C) Semiquantitative assessment (1+ to 5+) of podocytes (target cells), erythroid dysplasia (E.D; hypochromatic erythrocytes), hypersegmented neutrophils (H. Seg.), and reticulocytosis (Retics) on blood smears from WT and STAT3−/− animals 40 days after birth with or without NAC injections.