BH3 profiling demonstrates that primary CLL cells stimulatedinvitro with anti-IgM or CXCL12 are less primed to undergo apoptosis and that priming can be restored with CAL-101. (A-B) PB-derived CLL cells from 4 individual patients were stimulated with 10 μg/mL of anti-IgM and BH3 profiling was performed at 18 hours. As measured by BAD peptide at 100μM and ABT-737 used like a peptide at 1μM in permeabilized cells, priming was decreased in the presence of anti-IgM, but could be restored in the presence of 5μM CAL-101. (C-D) Analogous experiments revealed that priming was also decreased in the presence of stimulation with 100 ng/mL of CXCL12, but that priming could be restored in the presence of CAL-101.