Figure 1
Figure 1. Group II patient summary. (A) OS, TFS, TRM, and GR for all of the group II patients for the NF-08-TM HSCT protocol. (B) OS of the MSD-HSCT group versus OS of the UD-PBSCT group. (C) TFS of the MSD-HSCT group versus TFS of the UD-PBSCT group. (D) TRM of the MSD-HSCT group versus TRM of the UD-PBSCT group. (E) GR of the MSD-HSCT group versus GR of the UD-PBSCT group.

Group II patient summary. (A) OS, TFS, TRM, and GR for all of the group II patients for the NF-08-TM HSCT protocol. (B) OS of the MSD-HSCT group versus OS of the UD-PBSCT group. (C) TFS of the MSD-HSCT group versus TFS of the UD-PBSCT group. (D) TRM of the MSD-HSCT group versus TRM of the UD-PBSCT group. (E) GR of the MSD-HSCT group versus GR of the UD-PBSCT group.

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